KidSam Blogging

Hello friends I'm Sambit your buddy. Here I came to let you know some ideas to invest in your business. When we start our own business it was already late. Normally we start our business after a stable job and a high digit salary. At this time we both have money as capital and experience to run our business. This happens to us at the age of 30s in an average. Although there is always ok to start our bright career. But still it looks late to us. At this very moment some of us who have no strength of money but has the best ideas they normally go to the shark tank and told sharks about their creativity. And make them convince to invest in their ideas. But there is also some people who has money power and wealth. But they always eager to make something so that they can stand on their own feet and make them a title of their own work.

Before we make our start-up we should first make a plan about the ideas that can achievable and make us profitable. Otherwise we take funds from the investors but if we didn't make any profit then the investors will not invest in our start-up further. We should plan a better idea that can be accessible by all consumers . Then we make plan about the funds that will need. So we plan to achieve the funds so that our start-up according to our plan will be smoothly running. We should decide our partners, the location of our start-up, the budget of it and the employees and other costs of our start-up. Also we have to plan about the backup ideas so that it will help us to run our start-up at its worst stage also. 


After we make a full proof plan to run our start-up it is the most important thing to make analysis on our plan. Basically we work on our plans and analyse that how can customers will get our services or products? How much will they satisfied? What is the quality of our services or products? How will our start-up will get it's popularity and will grow eventually? etc etc. There are so many questions which requires answer by our analysis. 


It is the method to run our plan. So that our start-up will make its move and became successful. To grow our business we have touse some methods so that our business will expand. And these methods should be cost effective both to us as owner and to the customers as well. 


To make our business more profit and increase our productivity we should study the market . Then we make a survey on people that what is the latest trend relating to our business. Then we will get ideas that what we should really do to increase the demand of our services and products. Also we should make a research on those obstacles which makes our business slower. Like in this digital era if we making our business physically then we should advertise it on social media and then affiliate with other ecommerce website or make our own website for our start-up. 

Growth & Develop

To grow and develop we should make our business services and its products better quality and make it affordable to the customers. Although there will be a competition in market but we should make strategies in such a way that we will run smoothly. Also we have to make our business on online. First we start our business in local areas then we will increase our territory to our whole country and then worldwide. It will require huge money. So we can go to the Shark Tank and convince them to invest in our products. 

Vision & Success

The vision of our start-up should be acquiring the market first. It can be done by providing the products and services to the customers with best quality and with a less cost comparing to our competitors. To do this we have to hire a better accountant who will prepare all the budget which will make us profitable and successful. Success can be achieved at any age. Let me give you an example. Ashneer Grover a shark in India he started Bharatpay at the age of 45. His partner is a 20 yr old IIT student. For this if we look from the iit student he achieved his success at the age of 20. While in the point of view of Ashneer Grover he achieved his success at the age of 45. Well age is just a number. And you can get success at any age. It is the only condition that you have to be focused on what you are doing.

Let's talk about some Start-Up ideas that will make you Successful.

1. Website Design

Well buying a website is so easy but designing it so hard also. So in order to make our Start-Up we should first see that there is Google is a search engine. Whenever we search a keyword it shows a related thing on its results. So mostly we never find our desired outcome. That's why we should make a website so that it could give an exact and accurate result whenever we search a keyword on it.

2. Recycling the Scrap

Recycling the plastic and other scraps not only reduce the toxic level of our atmosphere but also make us providing a major source to make our products out of it. As we know almost everything is made up of plastic but we still throw it recklessly. That's why we should make a strat up on recovering the plastics. That's why we make plastic wrapped products and put 2 MRP on it. 1 will be the MRP for using it and another will be the MRP for returning this plastic wrappers. This will reduce the pollution. For example an Indian young lady collected the plastic waste of the sunglasses and reused as plastic bottles. And she was the first woman in India to do it so.

3. Restaurants

Nowadays people increased their rate of eating and decreased the rate of their body exercises. That's why we should make a restaurant as a strat up. And this will help us to earn a good amount also. We can use our truck or van for this restaurant to make it movable. By this we can move place to place and prepare foods as per the demand of people.

4. Freelancing Platform

As time is passing the rate of Unemployment is increasing. That's why more people are now graduated but jobless. That's why making a Freelance Platform you will give people jobs and make them earning. This will help your Start Up popular and make you profitable. Also you may hire some of best graduates and start a coaching platform. This will help you more popular and more profitable. Like Khan Sir and Alakh Pandey sir from India made such platform and now they are the world's only platform for getting a biggest platform of students.


There are so many ideas to make as a strat up. Nowadays the websites which are popular today we're started as a Strat Up from its beginnings. That's why nothing is impossible and every idea can be a strat up .

In my opinion we should focus on designing websites. As this is the future . That's why we should make our strat ups which are based on digital platforms. 


Q. Can I be successful in my start up as I'm going huge loss ?

A. You will. Just keep patience and find the reasons of your loss. You will be successful one day.

Q. From where I can get funds for my Strat Up?

A. Well if your Strat Up idea is very good then you should approach the Sharks in Shark Tank. Also you can go to websites like as this site provides funds for the beginners who have ideas but don't have any money. 

Q. Which should be the best Strat Up idea for Students?

A. Blogging, YouTube, Freelancing and Contents Writting are the best start up ideas for students as it requires low cost or free to start and continue.

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