KidSam Blogging

We face so many problems nowadays. It may be air Pollution, or may be soil erosion, or Greenhouse effect, or rising in temperature or rising sea water level. There numerous problems. But if we see the main solution of these problems a common solution to decrease all such problems and their effects. It would be planting a tree. It is the most important thing to do and the easiest way to solve all such huge problems. 

A plant provides us shade, food, oxygen, and so many daily use things to us. Along with it, it prevents soil aeroson, holds water in its root, prevents the cyclone, protects the animals, saves us from rapid climate change, cleans our atmosphere etc etc. Only a single plant can give us so many things that we can never be able to create such things. And if we create su things like oxygen, food, controll the climate then we have to spend trillions dollar to make those things for a single day. 

Taking an example of Coconut Tree it absorbs water from a longer height and make it into sweet tasty coconut water. The shells of the coconut is a good source of fuel. The coconut can be used as a fruit, and can be used for making oil from it. The leaves of it can be removed and the remains can be used as washing tools. The whole tree after dead can be used as fuel. 

Some trees like Banyan tree is huge in structure. It provides house for so many little birds, and other animals. Not only shelter but also food. It provides huge amount of oxygen to the atmosphere. Helps in air purification, and water cycle. Beneath the soil it stores water in a huge amount. Helps in controlling the soil aeroson. The area where so many big plants are available that place can never be like a desert. Or never loss the water source. The role of a big plant like Banyan and Oak trees is much bigger than other lower or middle level trees. They play a huge role in protecting the climate change. They evaporates tonnes of water daily in the process of photosynthesis. Here they make oxygen and release water as vapour to atmosphere. This water vapour later become clouds and cause raining. 

We should plant at least once on our every birthday. This would help the mankind as well as to our next generation. A plant is much more valuable than a jewel. A jewel can be replaced but a tree can never be replaced. This will save the mankind in the near future. As the climate changes and the temperature increases this leads the sea water level increase in a great level. But the only solution that a tree can prevent such temperature increase and it's consequences like rise in sea water level and floods . It helps in giving cold air and it's shade to people and travellers in roadside. The value of a plant to this mankind is much more. 

Some plants are known as for their medical properties. These are helpful for curing the diseases. Some are useful for giving oils form it's fruits or plant parts. Some provides jute and cotton for our clothing. Lax, rubber, gums etc for our business. The paper we now use are made up of from the trees. Now we prepare food plates out of the plant leaves. It provides various fruits, flowers for our business. Not only a plant helps our mankind for surviving but also it helps us for living. It's like a boon to our mankind. That's why we should plant trees. Thank you

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