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Fish | Types of Fishes with Examples

KidSam Blogging

Fish are the aquatic, Gil bearing animals that lacks limbs with digits. Approximately 95% of fish species are Ray finned fish. 

They are upto 3 types i.e bony fish, jawless fish and cartilaginous fish. Coming to bony fish they have Mony bones in their body structure. For example sunfish, catfish, bass, pike and trout etc.  Jawless fish are the parasite type fishes . They suck other aquatic animals for living. These consisting both present and extincted species.
For example pteromyzon, lampetra, myxine etc.

Talking to Cartilaginous fishes have skeleton primarily composed of cartilage. They can be constrained with the bony fishes. For example shark. 

Again they also divided into many types according to their caudal structure i.e fin structure. 1. Pointed finned, 2. Pointed and naked finned, 3. Pointed undifferentiated finned, 4. Rounded finned, 5. Rounded unevenly finned, 6. Truncate finned, 7. Emarginated finned, 8. Forked finned, and 9. Lunated finned fishes.

Some delicious fishes like Tuna fish and Salmon fish are most delicious and even used for Sushi. 

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